Joss Dickinson

Graphic Designer

Joss Dickinson

Click not clique

Click & Invest opens the door to investing – The campaign uses lines such as ‘Click not Clique’, ‘Different not Indifferent’, ‘Up to date not Dated’ to underline how this new service gives so many more people access to dedicated investment experts, that used to only be available to high net worths & the elite.

After the soft launch in 2017, 2018 was all about getting the brand out there. We wanted to make these ads look different from other Investec ads you might see about, whilst still having the familiarity of an established brand. Click & Invest uses a vibrant orange as it’s brand colour and we really wanted to get that out there to help launch the brand. I created a ying/yang within the ad space, incorporating the iconic Investec zebra, which felt modern & different but still had strong links to the core historic brand.

We built a Cafe pop in Waterloo. During the run up to the end of the 2017/18 ISA season we handed out free coffees, showcasing how Click & Invest are serving up a new alternative in online investing to passing commuters.

Taxi Wrap

  • Role Graphic Designer

Up Next:

Embraer Executive Jets - More Campaign